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Sunday, January 6, 2013

an outfit

blouse: nordstrom rack, vest: kensie, pants: lc for kohl's, flats: dolce vita, bracelets: f21

i wore this for girl's night out on friday with my favorite girlfriend, a. 
she wore a gorgeous white top, and we danced the night away.
we concluded the evening with a trip to the drive-thru for tasty burgers, nuggets 
and a milkshake, of course, followed by snuggles until late saturday AM.
needless to say, the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing.

i tried to be somewhat productive today and deep clean my car.
of course the day i decide to clean loui, what happens?
it rains. monsoon status. #badluck

hope you had a fabulous weekend! 


  1. what a cute outfit! and sounds like a fun night!

  2. so so cute!! Makes me want it to be warm enough to wear this. Waaa! It's too cold!

    1. it is frigid here, too! you need a little vest like this though :) quite warm!
