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Thursday, January 3, 2013

cozy sweaters

sweater: loft (recent), t-shirt: opal & jeans: nordstrom rack

this outfit is slightly random as i am currently puppy sitting
and could not find anything to match this sweater,
but was determined to wear it today.
my new favorite thing? cozy, knit sweaters.
it has been absolutely frigid in our classroom at preschool this week.
cold babies do not equal happy babies.
i dislike being cold, too.
(thus i am now wearing fuzzy owl pajamas, mom's bathrobe, and a sweatshirt.)
it doesn't help that mom just called me from mexico
where it is warm and beautiful, and did i mention warm?
i could go for a vacation right about now...

p.s. so much for my new year's resolution to stop biting my nails -
that turquoise nail polish pictured above? gone.
the slight growth in my nails? also gone.
i will start again tomorrow...
another resolution? take better pictures. i think it's time.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for cozy sweaters! I wish I could wear one to my preschool. It's the same outfit every day for me. No fun : ( And I agree, cold babies = not happy babies.
