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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

life lately

...according to my iphone (and the girlfriends' phones, too)
in honor of the new year, my parents jetted off to mexico
 and left me to care for a certain pooch.
needless to say, i am thrilled, as i adore her.
i also don't mind sleeping in a quiet building
with copious amounts of paper towels, toilet paper, and laundry detergent
(all costly household items).

however, sleeping with the pup last night proved interesting -
despite weighing a mere twelve pounds, 
she somehow managed to take up ninety-six percent of the bed.
how this happened, i do not know. 
in addition, she spent the entire night getting in and out of the covers,
scooting as close to me as possible,
resting her head on my chest,
and giving me kisses in case i forgot she was there.
thank you, little pooch. i did not forget. 
she got to spend the entire day recovering from our sleepless night;
i did not.

today marked my return to the babies! 
goodness was it good to see them.
i must say, however, i am not at all sad that today is already wednesday.
hump day, we made it.

*quote found here

1 comment:

  1. Puppy cuddles are the best! (except for sleepy baby cuddles) :-)
