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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

a few new goals

now that the anticipation, excitement, and madness of nye has worn off,
i thought i would take some time to share a few goals i have for the upcoming year.
...and maybe you want to see my outfit from last night? 
dress: urban outfitters, bracelet: f21

these are not the loftiest of goals, but are seemingly appropriate:
1. tell someone each day that i love them
2. spend more time with my younger brother
3. be better about reading (particularly my book club books)
4. go for a walk in the evening (weather permitting, of course)
5. enroll in school
6. stick to my budget (or perhaps simply learn to live on one?)
7. move in with the girlfriends (t-minus 29 days!)
8. try to be less critical of myself 
9. take a trip
10. stop biting my nails (yeah right...)

just a few off the top of my head. 
what are your goals or resolutions for the upcoming year?
it is hard to believe how much has changed over the course of the past year.
i feel like my life is in a completely different place than it was simply twelve months ago.
i feel happier and far less anxious about my future,
and i thank you for reading about my adventures on this here blog.
happy new year, everyone!


  1. you look darling! love your blog

  2. If you find any particularly good books let us know! I also want to read more this year. :-)
