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Monday, December 31, 2012

a few of my favorites

here is my obligatory new years post reviewing my outfits :)
but actually, this was fun. 
i like looking back at previous posts to see how my writing, style, 
and passions have changed.
2012 has been a tumultuous and eventful year -
filled with heartbreak, job changes, moving, lifestyle changes, 
and big decisions that needed to be made.
it wasn't all bad though, i promise. 
i feel i learned a great deal about myself this past year -
who i am,
who i want to be,
and what it is that makes me happy.
i also started my new job in 2012, 
and i feel incredibly blessed to have found work doing something that makes me truly happy.
i am excited to celebrate all that has made 2012 memorable with the girlfriends tonight,
and i look forward to what 2013 has to offer.
happy new year, everyone!

*image found here