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Monday, January 14, 2013

target, you own my soul

i went on a spontaneous trip to heaven yesterday -
also referred to as target. 
on my shopping list?
garbage bags (which i plan to pack my closet in for my upcoming move) and dish soap.
and as always, i somehow managed to come home with bags and bags and bags 
and more bags of copious and unnecessary items.
i think a little bird magically added pajamas, bananas, oreos, a skirt with dogs on it,
chapstick, oranges, ice cream, and nail polish into my shopping cart.
i have no idea where these items came from...
yet, i reluctantly handed over my debit card to the cashier and willingly paid for everything.
target, you got me again.


  1. I think I know just the skirt with dogs on it of which you speak! I was pining over it last weekend but walked away with a cute off-white lace dress instead. Can't wait to see the skirt featured in a post!

  2. My rule at Target seems to be:
    -If I have $100 to spend, I can't find anything but picked over shelves and every sweater but my size
    -If I have $5 to spend, I find the sweater that fits like a dream and a ton of other great deals on things I love

    I figure it's life's way of keeping me on budget...
    ~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style
