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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

the prettiest sunset

top: gap, scarf: h&m, jeans & moccasins: nordstrom

1. t-minus eleven days until the moving truck comes,
and i have packed approximately five books and three sweatshirts.
looks like i have some work to do.

2. i cannot stop listening to the of monsters and men album. 
have you heard it? if not, you are in for a treat.

3. while home sick yesterday with a headache and stomach pains,
all i could think about was cake and cupcakes and cookies and muffins.

4. isn't the "almost" sunset lighting above just the prettiest?
although you are quite miserable weather-wise, seattle, 
sometimes you inspire me. 
(and not to try to deceive you, but i was absolutely freezing when that picture was taken)

5. my hair is so boring. it needs color or something new..

6. happy tuesday! 


  1. Love Monsters and Men! And definitely ready for warmer weather up here in the PNW

  2. All I can think about right NOW is cake and cupcakes and cookies and muffins and chocolates and it's badddd.

    Hope you're feeling better :)
