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Monday, February 25, 2013

it started like this...

top: loft, skirt: urban outfitters, tights: target, boots: lucky brand outfit started looking like this;
yet by the end of the day, my tights were snagged due to the infants' velcro shoes,
there was snot all over my right sleeve,
and i found chunks//cracker stains on my skirt. 
just your typical day with the babies, however.

i did laugh on my way home when i found two pacifiers in my pocket. 
how i love those little babies -
whoops! i promise to wash them and return them tomorrow.
with all the teething, ear infections, coughs, and persistent runny noses
we have at preschool, those pacifiers are essential.

on the plus side, i put my psychology degree to use while at work.
one of the babies seemed particularly off-balance today.
(she is my favorite, so i spend a fair amount of time with her.)
she fell numerous times, refused to drink her bottles, had a fever over the weekend,
and had difficulty sleeping. 
she is a strong little munchkin, so i found it odd she kept falling.
my guess? an ear infection. 
(a psych degree is the same as completing medical school, right?)
the inner ear is comprised of several fluid-filled chambers;
it is the inner ear, or vestibular sense, that controls balance.
when the chambers of the inner ear are infected, 
they fail to send proper signals to the brain, causing dizziness and imbalance. 

*i should conclude this by saying i am not a doctor. almost, but not officially. 
i am quite an efficient diaper-changer, however.

just another day at preschool.

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