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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

the parenting award goes to...

^^^ a ferocious kitty, lots of frozen yogurt & cupcakes recently, my poor broken car,
a sleeping pup, more yogurt & springtime at forever21 ^^^

my roommate, a, and i went dress shopping (for her) yesterday.
while in line at nordstrom rack, i was utterly intrigued by the woman standing in front of us.
she had two young daughters, and their shopping cart was full.  
and i am talking full of good stuff. 
the older girl (approximately six years old) was wearing a new, white burberry jacket.
white? on a child? and burberry? 
being the nosey individual that i am, i had to know the price. $168. seriously.
this was simply one of the many treats her mom was purchasing. 
and then.. i had to know more. $600 later, mom and daughters left. satisfied.

we struck out dress-wise at the rack, and soon headed to the full-line store.
we found a lovely black dress for a, and as we were leaving nordstrom,
we saw the younger daughter playing on the escalator, sans mom.
where was she? who knew! 
we followed the girl for a bit and found mom and older sister in the restroom.
hopefully mom's shopping trip was worthwhile as she almost lost her baby...

thank goodness tomorrow is wednesday. this has been a long week already!

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