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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a little trip to the aquarium

^^^ can you tell he loved the starfish? ^^^

this past weekend, i borrowed one of the babies from school
and took him to the seattle aquarium. 
i had been wanting to go, but what better way to enjoy the fish than 
sharing the experience with a toddler?
this little guy was enthralled; 
he liked the starfish and jellyfish best,
but also spent a good deal of time pointing at the tropical fish in their tank. 
it was fun to chase him around
and watch him point and smile and stomp throughout the day.
(no stroller for him, no thank you)
and you know me -
we had to get ice cream at the end.
can you guess who fell asleep during the car ride home?

1 comment:

  1. well i hope it wasn't you!!!! what a fun trip. i think that starfish exhibit would freak me out a little.
