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Saturday, April 6, 2013

new makeup courtesy of bare escentuals

^^^ makeup courtesy of bare escentuals at nordstrom ^^^

while have a girl's day with my friend, k,
we stopped by the bare escentuals counter at nordstrom.
i don't know about you, 
but i simply cannot turn down new makeup 
(especially when there is a few gift involved).
i happened to be out of concealer,
but came home with a few additional products, too.
it is nice having someone else put on your makeup,
particularly when you apparently wear two shades too light. whoops.

also, this is slightly unrelated, but i have had the worst hair week.
my bangs are very stringy and like to separate in the middle.
despite my copious attempts to comb and round-brush them,
dry them when they are freshly washed,
and occasionally straight them until they lay flat and pressed against my forehead,
they still look terrible. 
in addition, the rest of my hair feels incredibly coarse. 
i promise i wash and condition in regularly.
what am i doing wrong?
any hair experts out there? because this girl needs help.

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