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Monday, December 30, 2013

vacation, here i come

my holiday break from preschool has been sickly
(to say the least).
with a cold, sore throat, and now the flu?
goodness, this girl cannot catch a break.

perhaps that is the case with most teachers?
step back, take a deep breath, and sickness prevails.
thankfully, i am feeling much better and am now ready to enjoy the rest
of our holiday break.
sunshine, beaches, and sand between my toes,
here i come. 
my family and i flew to the big island yesterday
and will spend the next week here in hawaii.
i cannot tell you how excited i am 
and how blessed i feel to be here.

we will not only celebrate the new year,
but also my younger brother's birthday,
and special time together as a family. 
i will be sure to post some outfits and adventures along the way!

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