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Saturday, January 4, 2014

tropical shorts

t-shirt: gap, shorts: pitaya, sandals & bracelet: forever 21, wallet: betsey

i purchased these little tropical shorts a few months ago
at a local boutique, pitaya. a and i love to shop there. 
and then they closed.
it was a sad, sad day.
but due to their closure, i believe these shorts cost eight dollars.

sunshine, where are you?
we moved hotels on the big island yesterday, 
and despite the cloud cover, 
i am one happy girl.
can i stay here forever?
please ignore the sunburn on my face and chest.
i promise to be more diligent with my sunblock applications.
and now? pool, here i come.


  1. This doesn't look like Seattle. Ah. It's not. Lucky you. Shorts are cute - good purchase.
    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

  2. Such an adorable outfit! I'm so jealous you can wear shorts in January, plus they're so pretty


    1. thank you, angela! it has been fun digging through my summer clothes. sadly i return to the cold and rain tomorrow :(
