halloween is just under two weeks away:
the pressure is on - find or make the perfect costume -
purchase (and subsequently eat) all of the candy -
visit the pumpkin patch, or stop by your favorite local grocery store -
start the pumpkin carving -
and of course, scary movie marathons!
halloween is easily one of my favorite holidays.
my sweet tooth is stronger than ever around this time of year.
i also love brainstorming costume ideas, trying on past years' looks,
and shopping for or creating something unique.
this year was no different. i am somewhat embarrassed to admit how
much time i spent scouring pinterest and searching "easy
and creative DIY halloween costumes" on the internet; easy, right? or not so much.
after a somewhat lengthy trip to value village (i could easily spend
hours in there - i have to look at everything!), i think i eventually came up
with something fun for this year (!!!).

^^^ this year, i decided to be wendy darling from the disney movie,
'peter pan.' ^^^
during some of my internet-costume-browsing sessions,
i saw several adorable (and simple) disney princess costumes -
many of which did not require sewing or a great deal of effort.
i grew up watching the disney classics, 'the little mermaid,'
'beauty and the beast' and of course, 'peter pan.'
one of my favorite things to play with as a child were my miniature
plastic dolls - i had many of the princesses and other movie characters. i specifically
remember having a small wendy doll with a blue dress and matching
blue bow in her hair.
when it was time to start looking for my costume, i
visited my local value village.
i skipped the pre-packaged options; those can be great,
and very convenient, but i wanted something a bit more original.
i looked through the miscellaneous costume items (vibrantly colored dresses,
faux fur and sparkly tops, and many 80s prom dresses). nothing
stood out to me, so i began looking in the regular clothing and dress sections.
i actually got a bit sidetracked and found a few work-appropriate
skirts and dresses (i really do have a horrid shopping habit). i found the
above blue dress and liked the color and fit. i decided to use the dress
as part of my costume - cinderella, belle, and wendy wore blue!
next, i found the sparkly ballet flats and teddy bear.
to complete my costume, i thrifted the cozy grey sweater and
found the hair bow in the little girl's section at target.
photos by kerouac photography
dress, sweater, flats and teddy bear: thrifted (c/o value village),
hair bow: target
my halloween costume came together quite easily, all thanks to value village!
you can find a store near you here and let the costume hunt commence.
when you're done with your costume (if you don't plan to keep it)?
donate it! value village diverts more than 650 million pounds of
clothing and goods from landfills each year.
not only can you recycle your costume after wearing it, but
purchasing other second hand items at value village
supports both regional and national nonprofit organizations.
you can learn more about the positive impact value village
has on our community here.
have you decided on a halloween costume this year?
if not, be sure to visit your nearest value village as the creative options
are seemingly endless!
**this is a sponsored post. a very special thank you
to value village for providing me with a gift certificate
to purchase my costume. all opinions are my own!
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