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Friday, May 4, 2012

seattle's mane blow dry bar / cascade ice ii

the lovely ladies from cascade ice sent me pictures from the event
surely you get tired of my haphazard/horribly taken photos, 
so i thought i would share :)
i got to have my hair styled at seattle's mane blow dry bar.
in ten minutes, a had transformed my unbrushed and dirty hair into this...
...if only i had the skill and patience to do this.
if you're going to an event,
or simply want your hair styled (at an affordable price!!),
i highly recommend mane blow dry bar :)

*for more pictures from the event, see here.


  1. Your hair looks great! Love the bounce! It takes foreverrrrrr to blow dry my hair. It's actually insane! I've always wondered about the blow dry bars. I'm gonna have to try one!


  2. Kudos to Seattle for getting a blow dry bar! I had no idea. Now I can't wait to go.

  3. Awesome post. I am a Seattle blogger too! You have a lovely blog.

  4. Your hair looks great! I'll have to check them out! Sometimes a girl just needs a pro to blowdry her hair!

  5. Your hair looks awesome! And I'm loving the scarf, too! :)
