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Monday, May 7, 2012

dear dad

dear dad,
remember the first time i came home from school
(after turning 21)?
you were appalled by my love of wine in a jug...
and ridiculously cheap beer.
you made it your mission to teach me to appreciate the finer beverages
that this world has to offer.
and so, you watched as i struggled to sip on tequila.
after this holiday weekend,
i wish i had simply sipped on (a lot) less tequila.
it would have made sunday a bit more bearable...
i think i learned my lesson.
thank you,
t-shirt: gap, skirt & moccasins: nordstrom, necklace: f21

p.s. please do not be appalled by the aforementioned behavior.
beverages were consumed in moderation, with water to follow,
and public transportation was used to get to-and-fro. 

p.p.s. on a more serious note, my second article was published 
today for lafamily magazine(!!).
please check it out - you can rate, "like", and tweet the link in order to help me potentially have my own weekly column.
 thank you for those of you who read last weeks article, too! 
you are amazing! 


  1. 1. i love this story. I cracked up. outloud.
    2. I love your outfit :) Cute shoes!
    3. I love your article! Great job friend :)

    1. thank you so much pretty lady! cannot wait to read your next article!!!

  2. Cinco De Mayo, all is forgiven hahahah. Also WOOHOO you are such a journalist, I love it!

    1. darn cinco! thank you so so much! that is my dream job!!!

  3. Well your outfit is adorable! I hope that makes up for feeling poorly after Cinco de Mayo ; ) Love your article! Congrats!

    1. thank you so much! this skirt was on clearance - which is the best :) and thank you for the sweet comment!!

  4. Oh gosh I just love this skirt! Recent purchase?
